Downloadable and useful materials on recycling and recovery of old electronics, used batteries and accumulators.


Essential materials for producers:

Contract: contract_with_manufacturer.pdf

Price list: 

Hinnakiri: producer_addition_1_recycling_tariffs.pdf

Current reporting form: producer_addition_2_report_form.doc

Declaration of trademarks: trademarks_report.doc

Producer agreement in English:
Contract between Producer and Eesti Elektroonikaromu: contract-form-producer_ENG.doc

Price List: price_list

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions


Essential materials for retailers


Poster: Retailer poster  (.pdf)
Sticker: Retailer sticker (.jpg)


Essential materials for collection point

Poster: Collection point poster (.pdf)
Sticker: Collection point sticker (.jpg)

If you are unable to open these files, you can use one of the free programs below:

Acrobat Reader to open files in Pdf format   –  Tiri Acrobat Reader
To open files in doc format, use Word Viewer. –   Tiri Acrobat Reader