OÜ Eesti Elektroonikaromu is an association of producers of electrical and electronic equipment. The main activity of the organisation is to organise the collection and recovery of used electronic equipment in accordance with the requirements laid down in legislation.

Contact US:
OÜ Eesti Elektroonikaromu
Reg.nr 16472882
KMKR: EE102481161
a/a: LHV EE917700771007756974

Vana Narva mnt 26
Maardu 74114, Eesti
Tel: +372 56 236 697

E-mail: info@elektroonikaromu.ee

Reporting and invoices:
Mrs. Kristi Roosipuu +372 56 680 990

Management and client contracts:
Mr. Kaur Kuurme
tel. +372 56 236 697