OÜ Eesti Elektroonikaromu is an association of producers of electrical and electronic equipment.
We collect and recycle used electronic equipment (e-waste, batteries and accumulators) in accordance with legal requirements.
Mandatory information on producers’ and distributors’ websites on the collection of waste electronics and batteries
Under Estonian waste legislation, all sellers, importers, and producers of electronic devices (including batteries and accumulators) are required to prominently display clear information on their websites about the collection points and options for returning these items at the end of their lifecycle.
Here is a step-by-step guide for businesses how to effectively fulfill E-Waste and battery collection notification requirements online.

On 13 August 2005, electrical and electronic equipment became subject to the principle of producer responsibility, meaning that electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market must be recalled at the end of its useful life by the producer and treated appropriately. Producers, within the meaning of the relevant legislation, encompasses all importers of electrical and electronic equipment. In addition to the responsibility established for equipment placed on the market after 13 August 2005, applicable legislation also makes producers responsible for products placed in circulation before that date, i.e. historical waste. Historical waste falls under the joint responsibility of all importers operating in the market, and the related costs are distributed between them in proportion to each importer’s market share in the sale of the corresponding type of electrical and electronic equipment.
Requirements for the collection, recovery, and treatment of waste generated from electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) have been established at the EU level by EU Directive 2002/96/EC, more widely known as the WEEE Directive. In Estonia, the requirements set out in the WEEE Directive are reflected in the Waste Act and the regulations of the Government of the Republic and the Minister of the Environment adopted on the basis of the Waste Act.
The Waste Act introduces the principle of producer responsibility, according to which producers must ensure the collection and the recovery or disposal of waste generated from EEE manufactured, resold, or imported by them. The related costs must be borne by the producer, which means that producers must arrange for the acceptance, collection, recovery, and treatment of waste generated from their products. It is important to note here that ‘producer’ does not refer only to producers in the traditional sense of the word: within the meaning of the relevant legislation, ‘producers’ also means all importers of electrical and electronic equipment.
Collection of WEEE
Eesti Elektroonikaromu operates a nationwide EEE collection network. Consumers of EEE can return their waste electrical and electronic equipment to collection points FREE OF CHARGE. All WEEE delivered to collection points is sent for further treatment and recovery in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Collection pointsCollection of batteries
Since autumn 2008, consumers can hand their old batteries (including mobile phone batteries) over free of charge to any store that sells them. In collaboration with enterprises engaged in the sale of batteries and accumulators, Eesti Elektroonikaromu has installed collection containers in a number of stores across Estonia.
Collection pointsLatest news
Mandatory information on producers’ and distributors’ websites on the collection of waste electronics and batteries
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